Monday, December 31, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #855,Tue 01 Jan,

Run #855,Tue 01 Jan,
Hare: Teksi Sesat,
Run Site: Serendah,
Please RSVP to Teksi Sesat at +6016-3691641.

Directions to run site :
From Rawang take old road towards Kuala Kubu. Its about 13 km.
From Rawang go into Antara Gapi and after 250m turn right and proceed  to run site.


Palani ( Itchy Finger )
HP- 012-306-3994

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Take Care….


Palani & Philo

PAL Vision Associates

Managing Director, President ( Kiwanis Club Daerah Petaling), BNI Nexus Chapter


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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Take Care….


Palani & Philo

PAL Vision Associates

Managing Director, President ( Kiwanis Club Daerah Petaling), BNI Nexus Chapter


Insurance, Unit Trust, Will & Trust ( Kuala Lumpur ) Click here to View all Services

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Monday, December 24, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #854,Tue 25 Dec

Run #854,Tue 25 Dec,
Hare: Cell phone  ,
Run Site: CyberJaya,
Please RSVP to Cell phone at +6019-2172367.

Palani ( On Sec - Itchy Finger )

Monday, December 17, 2012

Khhhkj Run

Run #853, Tue 18 Dec,
Hare: Vampire,
Run Site: Taman Rakyat
Please RSVP and state your contributions at +6012-2290102
On On
Itchy Finger

Take Care.
Sent from my HTC

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #852,Tue 11 Dec

Run #852,Tue 11 Dec,

Hare: Boot Legger,

Run Site: Bukit Subang,

Please RSVP to Boot Legger at +6012-2029007.

ON ON -Itchy Finger


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


1) You can't count your hair.
2) You can't wash your eyes with soap.
3) You can't breathe when your tongue is out.
Put your tongue back in your mouth, you silly person.
Ten (10) Things I know about you.
1) You are reading this.

2) You are human.

3) You can't say the letter ''P'' without separating your lips.

4) You just attempted to do it.

6) You are laughing at yourself.

7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.

8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.

9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too.

10) You are probably going to send this to see who else falls for it.
You have received this e-mail because I didn't want to be alone in the idiot category. Have a great Day. Laugh,

"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
And pass it on to other folk.

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The gorilla

This guy goes to the zoo one day. While standing in front of the gorilla's cage, a gust of wind swept some dust into his eye. As he rubbed his eyelid, the gorilla went crazy, bent open the bars, and beat the guy senseless.
When the guy came to his senses, he reported the incident to the zookeeper. Nodding, the zookeeper explained that pulling down your eyelid means "F**k you! " in gorilla language. The explanation didn't make the victim feel any better and he vowed revenge.
The next day he purchased two large knives, two party hats, two party horns, and a large sausage.
Putting the sausage in his pants, he hurried to the zoo and over to the gorilla's cage, where he tossed a hat, a knife, and a party horn.
Knowing that gorillas were natural mimics, he put on a party hat.
The gorilla looked at him, looked at the hat, and put it on. Next, he picked up his horn and blew on it. The gorilla picked up his horn and did the same. Then the man picked up his knife, whipped the sausage out of his pants, and sliced it in half.
The gorilla looked at the knife, looked at his own crotch, looked at the man, and pulled down his eyelid."

Monday, December 3, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #851,Tue 04 Dec

Run #851,Tue 04 Dec,

Hare: Ghost Molester,

Run Site: Templer Park,

Please RSVP Ghost Molester at +6019-2499544.



Itchy Finger


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Little Mary

Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, Mary, who created the universe? " When Mary didn't stir, little Johnny, an altruistic boy seated in the chair behind her, took a pin and jabbed her in the rear. "God Almighty! " shouted Mary. The teacher said, "Very good! " and Mary fell back to sleep. A while later the teacher asked Mary, "Who is our Lord and Savior? ", but Mary didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. "Jesus Christ! " shouted Mary. The teacher said, "Very good! " and Mary fell back to sleep. Then the teacher asked Mary a third question, "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child? " Again, Johnny jabbed her with the pin. This time Mary jumped up and shouted, "If you stick that damn thing in me one more time, I'll break it in half! " The Teacher fainted."

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Bottle of Merlot

A man asked a waiter to  take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually attractive  woman sitting alone at a table in a cozy little  restaurant.

 So, the  waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, "This is from the  gentleman who is seated over there."... and indicated the  sender with a nod of his  head.

She stared at the wine  coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man,  then decided to send a reply to him by a  note.
The waiter, who was  lingering nearby for a response, took the note from her  and conveyed it to the gentleman. 

The note  read:
 "For me to  accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your  garage, a million dollars in the bank and '7' inches in your  pants."

After reading the note, the  man decided to compose one of his own in return.   He folded the note, handed it to the  waiter and instructed him to deliver it to the  lady.

It  read:  "Just to let  you know things aren't always what they appear to be;  I have  a Ferrari Maranello, BMW Z8,  Mercedes CL600, and a  Porsche Turbo in my several garages;
I have beautiful homes  in  Aspen  and   Miami, and a 10,000 acre ranch  in  Louisiana.   There is over twenty million  dollars in my bank account and portfolio.  
But, not even for a woman  as beautiful as you are, would I cut off three inches.    Just send
 the bottle  back'

Run #850,Tue 27 Nov Deepavali Run

Run #850,Tue 27 Nov,

KHHHKJ Deepavali Run ,

Run Site: Pantai Hill Park,

Please RSVP to MacGyver at +6016-3399466.


For Directions, please go to



Itchy Finger


Friday, November 16, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #849,Tue 20 Nov

Run #849,Tue 20 Nov,

Hare: Big Foot ,

Run Site: ECO Park,

Please RSVP to Big Foot at +6019-3851827.


Itchy Finger


Monday, November 5, 2012

What do you think I am?

Wife: Can you help me in garden??
Husband: What do you think, I'm a Gardener.. ??

Wife: Can you fix door handle??
Husband: What do you think, I'm a Carpenter. .??

In the Evening when husband came from the work, He saw everything
has been fixed..!! He asked: Who fixed this..??

Wife:"our Neighbour but he gave me 2 options..!! Either I should give him burger or a kiss..!!

Husband:I'm sure you must have given a burger..!!

Wife: What do You think, I'm McDonalds...? ß Click here to subscribe to PalVision Mailing List: 


Friday, November 2, 2012

New secretary

Paddy: "Your new secretary is very sexy..."

Seamus: "Thanks! She's actually a robot, named Doreen ...

If you squeeze her right breast, she takes dictation & if you squeeze her left breast, she types letters. Will work as long as you like, no complaining, no sick days, no medical, no dental......

I'll lend her to you for a day & you can see how functional and efficient she is".
Next day, Paddy called Seamus from the hospital & shouted: 

 "Seamus… You bastard! You didn't tell me that the hole between Doreen's legs is a Pencil Sharpener..."    

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I no longer feel quite so stupid

And as soon as this happens......... Retire with dignity.......

Sunday, October 28, 2012

'I'm too smart for the 1st grade

A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, 'Harry, what's your problem?'

Harry answered, 'I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!'
Ms. Brooks had had enough. She took Harry to the principal's office.

While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed.

Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

'What is 3 x 3?'

'What is 6 x 6?'

And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.

The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, 'I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade'

Ms. Brooks says to the principal, 'Let me ask him some questions..'

The principal and Harry both agreed.

Ms. Brooks asks, 'What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?'
Harry, after a moment: 'Legs.'

Ms. Brooks: 'What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?'
The principal wondered why would she ask such a question!
Harry replied: 'Pockets.'

Ms. Brooks: 'What does a dog do that a man steps into?'
Harry: 'Pants.'

The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open.
Ms. Brooks: 'What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?'
The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, 'Bubble gum.'

Ms. Brooks: 'What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?'
Harry: 'Shake hands .'

The principal was trembling.

Ms. Brooks: 'What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?'

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the 
teacher, 'Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last seven questions wrong.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #846,Tue 30 Oct

Run #846,Tue 30 Oct,

Hare: Besi Body,

Run Site: Penchala Link,

Please RSVP to Besi Body at +6019-9182277.

ON ON -Itchy Finger


Rusty old thing

An old man in his mid-eighties struggles to get up from the couch then starts putting his coat on.
His wife, seeing his unexpected behaviour, asks, "And where do you think you are going?"

He replies, "I'm off to the doctor. "She says, "Why, are you sick?"
He says, "Nope, I'm going to get me some of that Viagra stuff.
"Hearing this, the wife starts struggling to get out of her rocker, then slowly goes to the cupboard and starts to put on her coat.

The husband now looks mystified and starts to yell at his wife, "And where on earth do you think you are going? "“Oh” she answers, "I'm off to the doctor, too."
He says, "Why, what do you need a doctor for?"

She says, "Well if you're going to start using that rusty old thing again, I'm getting a tetanus shot!"

I Love You

A man escapes from a prison where he has been kept for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed. He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair.

While tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her on the neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom. While he's in there, the husband tells his wife: "Listen, this guy is an escaped prisoner, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail, and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck. If he wants sex, don't resist, don't complain, do what he tells you, just give him satisfaction, no matter how much he ravages you. This guy is probably dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll kill us. Be strong, honey. I love you".

To which the wife responds, "He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked if we kept any Vaseline in the bathroom. I told him where to find it.. 
"Be strong, honey. I love you, too

Monday, October 22, 2012

KHHHKJ Run #845,Tue 23 Oct

Run #845,Tue 23 Oct,

Hare: Speedlane ,

Run Site: Kota Kemuning,

Please RSVP to Speedlane at +6010-20666723.


Itchy Finger


The Irish and Sausages

Shamus and Murphy fancied a pint or two but didn't have a lot of money between them; they could only raise the staggering sum of one Euro.

Murphy said "Hang on, I have an idea."

He went next door to the butcher's shop and came out with one large sausage.

Shamus said "Are you crazy? Now we don't have any money at all!"

Murphy replied, "Don't worry - just follow me."

He went into the pub where he immediately ordered two pints of Guinness and two glasses of Jamieson Whisky. 

Shamus said "Now you've lost it. Do you know how much trouble we will be in? We haven't got any money!!"

Murphy replied, with a smile. "Don't worry; I have a plan, Cheers!"

They downed their Drinks. Murphy said, "OK, I'll stick the sausage through my zipper and you go on your knees and put it in your mouth."

The barman noticed them, went berserk, and threw them out.

They continued this, pub after pub, getting more and more drunk, all for free.

At the tenth pub Shamus said "Murphy - I don't think I can do any more of this. I'm drunk and me knees are killing me!" 

Murphy said, "How do you think I feel? I can't  even remember which pub I lost the sausage in."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

KHHHKJ HARIMAU Run #844,Tue 16 Oct

Run #844,Tue 16 Oct,

Hare: Pool Master,

Run Site: ECO Park,

Please RSVP to Pool Master at +6012-3021355.


Itchy Finger

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Irish Virgin

The Irish Virgin!!!


In a tiny village on the Irish coast lived an old lady, a virgin and very proud of it.
Sensing that her final days were rapidly approaching, and desiring to make sure everything was in proper order when she dies, she went to the town's undertaker (who also happened to be the local postal clerk) to make proper "final" arrangements.

As a last wish, she informed the undertaker that she wanted the following inscription engraved on her tombstone:
Not long after, the old maid died peacefully.

A few days after the funeral, as the undertaker/postal clerk went to prepare the tombstone that the lady had requested, it became quite apparent that the tombstone that she had selected was much too small for the wording that she had chosen. He thought long and hard about how he could fulfil the old maid's final request, considering the very limited space available on the small piece of stone.

For days, he agonized over the dilemma. But finally his experience as a postal worker allowed him to come up with what he thought was the appropriate solution to the problem.
The virgin's tombstone was finally completed and duly engraved, and it read as follows:


Sex in the office-------

Johnny wanted to have sex with a girl in his office,
But she belonged to someone else...

One day, Johnny got so frustrated that he went up to her and said, 'I'll give you a $100 if you let me have sex with you. But the girl said NO.

Johnny said, 'I'll be fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, and I'll be finished by the time you pick it up. '

She thought for a moment and said that she would have to consult her boyfriend... So she called her boyfriend and told him the story.

Her boyfriend says, 'Ask him for $200, pick up the money very fast, he won't even be able to get his Pants down.'

So she agrees and accepts the proposal. Half an hour goes by, and the boyfriend is waiting for his girlfriend to call.

Finally, after 45 minutes, the boyfriend calls and asks what happened.

She responded, 'The b*stard used coins!'

Management lesson:
Always consider a business proposal in its entirety before agreeing to it and getting screwed!