Kelab Hash House Harimau Kelana Jaya is a batang chapter founded in 20th August 1996. Run is on every Tuesday@ 6pm. GM: GM Night Rider - +6016 392 9762, JM: PGM Vampire - +6012 229 0102, On Sec: Loose Cannon - +6012 398 0079, On Cash: Heavy Metal - +6012 923 6516, Inter Hash: PGM Bapak Blog - +6012 208 5254, Adviser: PGM Bapak Blog - +6012 208 5254, Systems: PGM Itchy Finger - +6012 306 3994 , Club Email:
Run #842,Tue 02 Oct,
Hare: Drummer,
Run Site: Bukit Subang,
Please RSVP and state your contribution to Drummer at +6016-2115890.
ON ON - Itchy Finger